Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Adjustments made: lining up text in a more reasonable fashion.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

For the third installment for the class, I decided to use the spiedie fest a second time. However, I decided to take a very different approach. Granted, It still is, for the most part, all was created by me (as in I didn't take any pictures or find any online), but the way it looks aesthetically should be different. I wanted the piece to have a more calmer appearance than the stamp I did prior to this project, and by adding cool colors to the picture I was able to accomplish this. To contrast the cool colors, I made the front two hot air balloons and the spiedies hanging from them, primarily warm colors. I positioned the balloons all in different spots to add to the illusion of space, and I made each proceeding balloon smaller than the one before it to add to the illusion of depth. Your eye gets carried from the largest balloon to the smallest, and back down from the text to the Ferris wheel. The text, in the first paragraph, talks about the invention of the spiedie, and the second talks about how the spiedie fest came about. I tryed to make this in the same style as the stamp, which was the new york style.



Hand rend draft:

Second round:

First round: